You started filming in 1993 how has the industry changed?
Rebecca Lord: It’s always difficult to answer that question without being perceived as nostalgic or judgemental! I am sure if you ask each generation of porn performers they’ll probably will tell you, generally, that it was way better before! I think the Industry has changed for the worse.
I was lucky to belong to the 90s generation when everybody was paid decently (crew and talent) and had, most of the time, nice jobs lined up. Porn was then pretty “classical” (even though a performer from the 70s would probably disagree).
For me, today, the vast majority of porn productions look more like a circus than traditional porn as it was intended: portraying people’s fantasies the nicest way possible – good looking performers, nice locations, well filmed (qualified tech crew)…
I really loathe most of what I see: female performers are treated like pieces of meat, spat on, strangled, gagged, beaten, exaggerated gaping holes, triple penetration (maybe more if they can shove in an extra one!)…
I don’t understand how it can turn people on: it looks more like a freak show than something sexually arousing.
It’s ‘factory fuck’ in a sad crappy studio with male performers injecting their penis several times a day (they can’t even ejaculate most of the time and have to make a fake cumshot to finish the scene!).
I am glad that a few companies such as Adam & Eve, X-Art, Sex-Art that resist the temptation to produce the same crap you can watch all over the internet.
I’m not a “porn snob”: I strongly believe most people fantasize watching beautiful performers in nice locations, dressed nicely, filmed by a professional cameraman (nowadays everybody is a cameraman!!) and set up by a professional crew. It doesn’t mean the sex scene have to be boring: the erotism of such scenes is a turn on for most people. If you rather see a woman getting violated/abused, I can understand it as a rare thing for script purpose but it sickens me to see it all over the internet as today’s porn standard.
Which brings me to what’s probably responsible for that situation: the internet. To be more specific: the tubes.
Free content accessible to everybody on the internet. It has totally destroy our industry. I still have a hard time to understand how these guys got into our industry. I mean the traditional Adult media totally welcomed them, let them sponsor events such as Adult conventions and Award shows. It really baffles me!! They basically use all the money they stole from Adult Companies by allowing people to post stolen content available for free.
At one point, I don’t think they realize that there will soon be no more content to steal because there will be no more Adult Company to produce any! You can’t fight against free content. The only thing you can try is to track your content and take legal action against these tubes – but then again, it requires a lot of time and money, and they know it. Try and file a “DMCA take down” against these sites you’ll see what I’m talking about.
The same goes for a lot of Adult performers: they post their content on these tubes hoping to make money – which is very understandable. Then again: guess who profits from that content?
I hope the Adult Industry will wake up soon and end this nonsense.
How do you stay in incredible shape?
Rebecca Lord: Why thank you. No secret, believe it or not. I guess it’s in the genes. I don’t work out or do any sports. I walk every day as most Europeans do. I eat correctly – non processed food. No special diet.
Which porn star would you most like to work with?
Rebecca Lord: There was but I just worked with him a month ago. My good friend Kai Taylor. I call him “Tripod” (his cock is pretty large!). I have used him in several movies I directed/produced and consider him the best male performer in Europe. Unlike many, he doesn’t inject his penis. I frankly think it’s insulting to female performers. I always hire beautiful women to feature in my movies and have a hard time understanding the need for a guy to inject his cock to have sex with them.
Their libido is dead, their sexuality is gone. They are like human fucking machine: inject, fuck, cum (well if you get lucky), repeat! Unfortunately it has become really difficult to find guys not injecting. I can understand the use of a viagra: some days you don’t feel well in your head so it’s okay to take one I guess, but injecting your dick non stop…
Anyway… I finally had great sex with Kai (on camera that is) after filming him several times for my productions! Not only he doesn’t inject, but he likes women. Not just in a professional way. When he gets an erection it’s because he is aroused, not because he injects his dick. You can feel it when you have sex with him.
You've directed many movies is there one that stands out?
Rebecca Lord: One you haven’t seen yet. It’s called Ballerina. It was filmed more than a year ago but I still haven’t released it. It’s the last movie I did with my friend and cameraman Barry Wood (AVN Hall of Fame and multiple Awards winner).
He died March 2018. I have tried to edit the movie several times but it makes me so sad every time that for now I couldn’t do it. Thought about giving it to an editor but I know it will not be edited the way we intended. No doubt the best movie we have done together. Beautiful performers (we used a real ballerina) and cinematography.
Out of all of your sex scenes which one was the most challenging? And why?
Rebecca Lord: The last one I did with Kai Taylor. It was a pretty long time that I had not been in front of the camera. I am in good shape but I’m not that young anymore. I mean I see all the female talents that work for me – mostly in their twenties – doing all these positions, having sex for hours… so yes it was a real challenge for me to try and look good while making sure I could physically follow Kai’s rhythm!
It was not so easy at first but after 10 mins I just thought “aw fuck it”, forgot everything I had planned before the scene and let Kai move me around the way he wanted, and frankly don’t regret it one second: had great sex and several orgasms!
What do you enjoy most about directing?
Rebecca Lord: The freedom of doing what I like. To a point of course: unfortunately there is always a budget restriction. I am working at making the best quality productions I can with the budgets I have. I love to put everything together (pre-production). It takes me a while. First I look at location, then what I could do in these locations that would be both pretty and sexy.
Once I locked at these locations and I have the “theme” for each of them, I begin my female performer casting and try to chose the woman that would go the best with the location and the little story that goes with it. When I’ve decided, I look at clothing then male performers. It’s always very exciting to plan a production. It’s very rare that everything goes according to plan: that would be the thing I don’t like about directing 🙂
Looking back at a very successful career do you have any regrets?
Rebecca Lord: Frankly, I have no regrets. I never did something I was not okay with. I was lucky that way. Today is probably way more difficult for these young women to say no. I had the freedom to do so. A couple of sex scenes I did were not that great but I guess it’s the same for any profession. I don’t regret doing them I just wish they had been better 🙂
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into the industry?
Rebecca Lord: Run the other way! 🙂
What do you think is the future for the adult industry?
Rebecca Lord: Not really sure about that. Today’s evolution of porn is really for the worse (as discussed above). I don’t think the positive can outweigh the negative in the short term. I sure hope that at one point the tubes will disappear and that people watching porn will stop watching anything because it’s free.
I hope people will lose interest in all the ‘sad crap’ most companies produce for the internet. Maybe a reaction from the performers wanting decent salaries and work? New media/technology that changes things the same way the internet changed the Adult Industry?
Is there a sequel to "To My Dear Civilians, With Love?"
Rebecca Lord: Ha ha no there is not.
How long did it take to write the book?
Rebecca Lord: About 2 years. I am no writer. I just wanted to gather all the things, bad and good (mostly the good ones though, as some bad ones you don’t wanna talk about – porn has enough bad press), and I tried to make it interesting to answer so many questions I have been asked since 1993!!!
Which was the most difficult chapter for you to write?
Rebecca Lord: The last one. I felt something was missing. Perhaps what followed? I could add many chapters to the book since it was published.
Are you a natural writer?
Rebecca Lord: I found it really difficult. One thing I was not so happy with is that the publisher was suppose to correct the many grammatical mistakes I have done, but he said he’d rather keep it the way I wrote it because it “looks more authentic”! I thought “he knows better” but after a while and re-reading what I wrote, I think it was wrong, even though English is not my mother tongue.
What hobbies and interests do you have outside of the industry?
Rebecca Lord: I drone. I have my pilots license (you need one in Europe if you wanna be able to fly in most places). I used the drone a few times for my production and realized it was fun but I was very limited since I didn’t know how to use it properly. So I went to school and got my license. Now I own two drones and it’s a lot of fun.
What has the industry taught you?
Rebecca Lord: Patience, strength, courage, discipline, not to mix my private life with my business life, that things are not always as they appear (I was very naive when I first begun). That being an ‘artist’ is not incompatible with being a good business woman (took me a while to learn that one! ha ha!).
If you weren't creating adult content what would you be doing?
Rebecca Lord: I would have been a makeup artist (what I was doing before porn). I still enjoy doing it on my productions when I feel I will have the time to do so (which is rare so I hire someone else usually).
To see more of Rebecca Lord click the links below
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