Dick Bush: My name is Dick Bush, I’m 38, I live in Cambridgeshire, England and I write, direct and edit adult movies.
How did you get into directing?
Dick Bush: I’ve always been into films and loved acting when I was younger. I’ve been making silly films with my friends since I was about 12, running around with my Dad’s video camera. After making a few short films (usually involving guns and action!) I knew it was what I wanted to do as a job. I got an M.A. in Film making at The London Film School and shortly after graduating, I got a job as an Assistant Editor at a porn production company in London, called Relish. Soon I was a camera man… then director.
Can you explain what a director does?
Dick Bush: A director is the one with the vision of how the movie should feel and what the movie should be. It’s a creative role… a different director may create a very serious, dramatic movie from the same script that another could make a witty, light hearted comedy. In the porn industry, I read the script and imagine all the camera shots I want and how I’d like the actors to deliver their dialogue and then on set I try to capture that on camera!
Why directing?
Dick Bush: I’m a control freak. I love telling stories. I particularly love directing my own scripts. When you get to create a whole world, which was initially just a thought in your head and bring it to life… it’s like being god.
How do you think directing has changed over the years?
Dick Bush: I think directing is the same, for mainstream and for porn, and has been the same for many years. Simply put… You tell the performers what to do until they do it how you want!
What techniques do you use?
Dick Bush: I like to see what the performers are going to come up with by themselves. So when we’re rehearsing on set, I wont give them any direction until I see how they perform a scene. And then I’ll tweak it with some suggestions. Occasionally I’ll tell one performer to do something without the other knowing (during the acting bits!) anything that can create a real reaction from a performer is great.
If you weren't directing adult content what would you be doing?
Dick Bush: If I wasn’t getting paid to make films… I’d probably just make films in my spare time! But I also enjoy writing, I’ve written two novels so far. League of Frankenstein is an action fantasy and A Better Way To Kill is an action thriller. Both are available from Amazon in paperback and Ebook.
Can you tell us about some of the awards that you've won?
Dick Bush: Several of my early films have won British Awards at the TVX SHAFTAs, UKAP and PRP Awards. My Doctor Who parody, “The Doctor” for Brazzers won 3 AVN Awards including Best Foreign Director and Best Foreign Feature in 2016. Sherlock XXX for Digital Playground won Best Foreign Feature in 2017. Bulldogs for Digital Playground won Best Foreign Feature in 2018. All of those, I wrote and Directed. I also won an XBIZ Award in 2018 for Foreign Director Of The Year.
How do you keep your scene fresh?
Dick Bush: As a director, I don’t really think about that. I leave that to the studios. I’m a director for hire. I have script and movie ideas that I’d love to do, but I’ll also direct scripts that I’m given.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into the industry?
Dick Bush: Read the script before turning up on set!
Officer Ain't No Gentleman
Officer Ain't No Gentleman
Where can fans see your work?
Dick Bush: My work is all over Brazzers, Digital Playground, FakeHub. Follow me on twitter @DickBush.
Which director do you admire and why?
Dick Bush: One of my favorite directors is Robert Rodriguez. His early films were made for such little money but looked so much bigger. His 10 minute film schools on his movies’ DVDs were invaluable. Also, I’m a huge fan of Michael Mann… Heat, Thief, Manhunter, Collateral. Love his style.
What's the for the adult industry?
Dick Bush: I think VR will continue to grow, especially as more and more VR systems become cheaper. I also think we’re missing this softcore middle ground. In the 80s and 90s we still had steamy sexy mainstream movies… they seemed to have disappeared. I don’t see why more big budget porn films couldn’t be geared towards a mainstream audience.
Can you name a mainstream movie that has inspired you?
Dick Bush: El Mariachi by Robert Rodriguez. Made for $7,000. It was a movie that showed people you didn’t have to make movies a certain way.
You're one of the most successful adult directors, how do you give back to the industry?
Dick Bush: By making amazing movies and series that wouldn’t exist without me!
What do you loof in an adult performer?
Dick Bush: Confidence, a performance, it’s difficult to list something like that!