Tell us a bit about yourself?
Beth McKenna: I’m a 54 year old attorney from Mississippi. I practiced law full time for almost 30 years. I’ve lived in Mississippi all my life, but have traveled frequently. I love being outside, I love music, and I love to learn new things.
Describe yourself growing
Beth McKenna: I was an angry tom-boy as a kid. I had a temper and loved playing in trees, riding my bike, all things outdoors. I was very athletic (still am), and also musically talented (family trait). I was also awkward around other kids, and very introverted. I was considered one of the smarter kids in class. Always made really good grades.
What are your stats/measurements?
Beth McKenna: I’m 5’10” tall, weigh about 150 pounds, and my measurements are 34-29-36.
How did you start within the industry?
Beth McKenna: I only started watching porn regularly when I turned 50 in 2017, and then started thinking about how much fun it would be to actually create porn. Jay Taylor gave me a chance to shoot with her as a newbie, and I’ll always be so grateful to her for giving me that chance. I shot a GG with her, and a BGG with her and Jay Crew that day, and I have never been happier in my life. That answered my questions of “can I do this?” and “do I enjoy doing this?” with a huge YES to both. I then started pursuing more opportunities to shoot, to create, to work with established performers and LEARN everything I could.
How did you create the name?
Beth McKenna: Well, I am significantly Scottish/Irish by ancestry, so McKenna is a derivative of our Scottish clan name. At first I didn’t know if I wanted McKenna to be a first or last name, but when I tried it with Beth (my middle name is actually Elizabeth), it just flowed well.
What do you enjoy most about being a pornstar?
Beth McKenna: Well, I enjoy the sex very much, and I enjoy meeting and getting to know the people in the industry. I’ve met very few I didn’t take to immediately. It also gives me a freedom of schedule, the ability to be creative, and it also gives me a platform to promote the empowerment of all beings, but especially women who have been taught for generations to just lie down and take it. I want to help people understand that they can be as sexual, or not, as they truly want to be, with no judgment. Within the lines of consent and safety, we can do anything we want, experience anything we want.
Do you work any other jobs other than being a pornstar?
Beth McKenna: I still do a little legal work here and there, but mainly it’s for friends in the industry or causes in the industry or at home that are important to me. I also have an advanced law degree in Tax, so I get to help industry and non-industry people in that area as well.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Beth McKenna: I’d like to be well-established as a talented and reliable performer in the porn industry. But I’d also like to be able to promote my own platform, as mentioned earlier, and to push toward the destigmatization and decriminalization of all sex work. I’d love to direct and produce porn as well, but have so much to learn for all of this to happen.
What’s your favorite sexual position on & off camera & why?
Beth McKenna: I work with both men and women, and my partner at home is female. So I have different favorites at work and at home. With Men, my favorite position is doggy, followed by missionary. Doggy just feels so damn good to me, and with mish, I can really interact and bond with the lovely man. With women at work, I love all positions, but more so either giving or receiving oral. I am told I am really good with my mouth, so I love to please other women. And female performers who don’t expect to actually enjoy oral sex on camera are sometimes surprised with me. At home, my girlfriend can use a strap-on very much like a man can. So at home with her, I love oral sex both ways, but I also LOVE doggy, lazy doggy, and mish with her. They feel so good, and with mish, again I can be more intimate while looking at her.
Which pornstar would you most like to work with?
Beth McKenna: I’m going to answer this for both male and female performers. For female, I think Julia Ann is the person I’d most like to work with. And for men, it’s a bit of a different answer. The Pope, on, I have always admired his work. I also am into BDSM, both personally and at work, and have always wanted to shoot with him for Kink.
What is the most difficult thing about being a pornstar?
Beth McKenna: For me personally, the hardest thing is the fact that I have to travel somewhere to work with other performers. As far as I know, I’m the only porn performer located in Mississippi, so in order to do anything other than solo stuff, I have to go somewhere. Luckily I love to travel, but it’s much more expensive than just living somewhere I can shoot with others. Maybe someday I’ll be able to move out west, but for now I’m a Mississippi girl. Everything else about porn is easy for me. I love to meet and work with others, I love to have the sex, and I love to get paid. So everything else is awesome.
Do you get recognized of set?
Beth McKenna: I’ve not yet had anyone come up to me in public outside of an adult convention yet, but I have gotten some very long looks from some men, even locally around home. Thankfully they have not said anything, but they do stare. The fans that have come up to me at conventions have been delightful. It’s so cool to meet some of the people who help me grow into who I’m meant to be.
Has the stigma around the adult industry affected you?
Beth McKenna: It doesn’t usually bother me, because I’m pretty strong and confident. But I have lost a couple of really close friends over my choice to do porn. I think that was the most painful thing that has happened to me. They were two of my closest friends, and they just cut me off. I realize now that they weren’t true friends if they couldn’t love me regardless of my choices, but it still hurt. It still does.
What’s the weirdest thing that you’ve been asked to do during a shoot?
Beth McKenna: I was shooting for a fetish producer, and had a blast with her. We shot all sorts of different fetish type things, for various fetishes, and it was a great learning experience. But one of the things she had me do was a “mouth tour.” For 8 minutes, I was close-up to a camera on a tripod, just talking and showing the camera my teeth, tongue, mouth. It was, by far, the weirdest and most awkward thing I’ve ever done in porn. It’s funny now, but that was so so weird.
What’s the funniest thing that’s happened during a shoot?
Beth McKenna: I recently shot for an older/younger type site, and the young man was apparently not very experienced with actual women. So the first sexual encounter was a blow-job in the kitchen, and he came in less than a minute. I had barely started and he came. In later scenes he also came way too early, so we had to try to catch the “money shots” as he had them. Ultimately, this young man came at least 5 times that day. The director teased me about my magic mouth and pussy, but I don’t think I had that much to do with this one. It was so funny to just roll with it and deal with things as they “came.”
Are there any sex acts that you want to shoot?
Beth McKenna: Actually yes. I’ve shot many times with a male performer and another female (BGG), but I’ve not had the chance to do a BBG yet. And while I don’t do much anal at this point, I’ve always been fascinated to know how a double penetration would feel. With toys I know it feels amazing, so I’d love to see how a DP would actually feel. And there are many things in the BDSM world that I’ve not done yet but want to. That list is quite long. Hopefully someday.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into the industry?
Beth McKenna: I would tell them to think long and hard about whether they are truly ready to be outed to all sorts of people. Family, friends, their co-workers. I was outed at my job, lost my job because of it, and was also outed to people around town at home. So I have no idea who knows and who doesn’t. I was prepared for that, but at first it was really scary. The job loss was something I eventually wanted to do anyway (resign and pursue porn full-time), but I wasn’t ready to do that when it happened. That was also quite scary. And when your family finds out and tries to have an intervention to “save” you from porn, that’s really tough. So think seriously about what you’re willing to lose by going into porn, and is that worth it to you.
What hobbies & interests do you have outside of the adult industry?
Beth McKenna: Well, I run as a hobby, but I read voraciously (mostly audiobooks these days). I also foster rescue animals here and there, having just adopted 3 kittens recently. I also love music, movies, and being outside. I love to hike and have traveled to many national parks to hike over the years.
Have you ever been grossed out during a shoot and if so how did you handle it?
Beth McKenna: Not so much grossed out, but disturbed I would say. I was actually shooting content with a male performer early on in my career, and during a break I mentioned to him that I enjoyed his work on Kink. He took that to mean I liked it really rough, so during the next segment of shooting, he slapped me in the face. I actually carried on with the scene without any hesitation, but I learned two things that day. I do not like being slapped in the face, and I will always cover dos and don’ts with a co-performer from then on. I was scared a bit, and disturbed, but it was a huge lesson learned.
Do you watch porn? If so what type?
Beth McKenna: I do, but don’t have much time to these days. But I watch a good bit of lesbian porn, straight porn, and gay porn. But my biggest watch is actually bdsm, such as
Do you use sex toys? If so which ones?
Beth McKenna: I do and would argue that they are a great addition to any sex life. I saw something the other day that guys should view sex toys as a teammate, not a competitor, and that stuck with me. For me, I have various sizes of dildos and butt plugs, but my favorite toy is a wand. I have a couple that hit me in different ways, and I love all of them.

To date which porn scene are you most proud of & why?
Beth McKenna: I am most proud of the scene I shot for Whipped Ass, which is on I worked with Lotus Lain, directed by FiveStar, and I was put in this beautiful rope suspension. It was an amazing day and the end product is gorgeous!
If you were interviewing a pornstar what would you ask them?
Beth McKenna: My question would be How do you feel after a shoot, energized or wiped out? My answer is that I feel energized. I love the feeling of having had some great sex, I love the feeling of being seen by others, and I am energized by the interactions with other performers and directors.
What really turns you on?
Beth McKenna: I’m sapiosexual, so I’m very attracted to smart people. I’m also attracted to strong women, and confident (but not arrogant) men.
Who within the adult industry, would you like to nominate to answer these questions?
Beth McKenna: I would nominate Leilani Lei, if she hasn’t answered already.
To see more of Beth McKenna click the links below
Who’s your favorite PORNSTAR?..