Tell us a bit about Splat Bukkake
Splat Bukkake: Well, we started up about something like 10-12 years or so ago now, I think, but we didn’t actually launch until a couple of years later. The idea came about thanks to a chance meeting with a photographer who’d shot adult content for a few years. His stuff was on DVD and on a few other websites so the content was clearly something the public enjoyed.
After going to a few events and enjoying the atmosphere of such nights, we came to an agreement and I started the business there and then. My own background is in technical and design so while I hadn’t built my own website then, it wasn’t anything I was particularly afraid of trying.
From then it was a really carefully planned approach to the business, looking at all sorts of things you need to, like insurance, software, servers, legal considerations and so on. Much more than just grabbing a camera and taking a few pics, anyway!
So, maybe 18 months after that, we’d trialled a few CMS backends, chosen one and made a start. Since then we’ve not looked back and enjoyed years of steady growth since. The only real shame perhaps, is we came into the adult business -after- the advent of the tubes. I think if we’d have been in place and trading before that, we’d probably have a considerably larger business than we do now, anyway.
What’s your role within Splat Bukkake?
Splat Bukkake: It’s a small one-man business I’m happy to say. I run the website(s) and shoot and edit the content myself. Though, in more recent times I’ve contracted in guys to help when I’ve got too much on.
Can just anyone apply to be part of one of your shoots?
Splat Bukkake: Yes, that’s part of the appeal of the site for most guys. We’ve done surveys of past members and it’s by far the biggest factor for a member joining; It’s regular, everyday, amateur guys with hot chicks. Anyone can come along and join in. As long as they’re polite, don’t mind a having some light-hearted banter and a laugh and are comfortable in a group setting, they’ll be very welcome.
Are the female performers who feature in your shoots actually turned on by Bukkake?
Splat Bukkake: I’ll level with you and say the models we work with are all different. There are models who are just bursting with excitement at being the center of a bukkake session. It’s their all-time fantasy and those girls are like pure gold to us. You really can tell in the videos that they are having a blast; Pixie Peach and new girl Ruby Fall were both examples of this.
Then there are models who enjoy the fun and games and come back for more. But it’s also work to them, so there’s a professionalism at making some excellent content. Theres nothing wrong with that in the slightest – everyone has a blast, but there is a difference. Models like that make some of the best content because it’s their art. Their bread and butter. They don’t need to be super-turned-on by a bukkake, but theyre always conscious of how things look on camera, that they are showing them in their best light and the content is all the better for that.
Wikipedia describes a Bukkake as being: Bukkake is a sex act in which one participant is ejaculated on by two or more other participants. It is often portrayed in pornographic films. Are many men and women into this?
Splat Bukkake: Again, I guess the answer to this is varied. There’s guys who come along who get disappointed if we have a smaller turnout. They like the rough and tumble and love seeing a girl absolutely covered in cum. Then on the flip side to that, there’s guys who bend my ear and complain its too busy. Everyone’s different I guess, but we let people know in advance that our events are certainly not ‘Sunday-morning love-ins’!
Women again are all different. There are plenty of ladies who contact us and ask if they can come along and watch, and some want to come along and have some off-camera fun. Sometimes to suck some dick and get spunked on, and some want a good banging. Everyone’s different and has their own lusts and triggers. The good thing we offer is a safe place for people to indulge in them with like-minded folk.
How long does the average shoot last?
Splat Bukkake: We keep things really slickly timed now so everyone knows the bukkake session is about 30 minutes, followed by a 30 minute recess to let the girls clean up. Few drinks, some hot food etc. Then an hour long gangbang session after that (which goes onto our sister site ukpornparty.xxx)
What facilities are provided for those involved to clean up afterwards?
Splat Bukkake: The shoots are always at established swingers clubs, so there’s always lockers, clean fresh towels, hot showers and a full suite of facilities. Theres also staff on hand to help the attendees and the models. Things always run pretty smoothly that way, and I can get on with hosting and making sure things go like clockwork.
Typically how many guys feature in one of your Bukkake shoots?
Splat Bukkake: At a ‘typical’ public shoot we get maybe 20 guys or so. Sometimes when we have a bigger event like a summer ball, Halloween or Christmas party, things go much further North than that. Those really are special nights that people remember for a long time!
You’re mostly UK based, have you travelled to Europe or America for shoots?
Splat Bukkake: No, just the UK. Both myself and my photographer have interests outside of adult which mean we’re always working on multiple things at the same time. And also, there’s no real need for us to shoot elsewhere when we’ve got so many beautiful models and fresh girls in the UK who want to get involved.
If a guy was interested in participating in one of your shoots what’s the criteria?
Splat Bukkake: If anyone wants to get involved, they’ll be most welcome. They can just contact us on Twitter or email partyinvites@splatbukkake.xxx and we’ll explain things to them.
How should performers contact you if they’d like to participate in one of your Bukkake shoots?
Splat Bukkake: Any models who want to get involved can either contact us on Twitter @splatbukkake, email admin@splatbukkake.xxx or use the contact form here https://blog.ukxxxpass.xxx/contact-us-models/
Do many guys get jealous when other guys are getting their dick sucked when they’re not?
Splat Bukkake: No, not that I can tell. Mind you, we do keep things moving so everyone gets as much ‘attention’ as is needed.
It’s probably helped I guess, that most of the guys who come along do so fairly regularly so know what things are all about.
For you, what’s the attraction with filming, featuring and producing a Bukkake movie?
Splat Bukkake: It’s not actually what I’m into, personally, strangely enough. I like quite soft stuff, lots of glamour and so on. But as I said at the start the niche is popular. Certainly popular enough that the original photographer I worked with managed license his content to a number of distribution channels for many years. We’ve been able to do likewise, for many years and are continue to grow.
To be honest with you, the events are actually a lot of fun too. Stressful, to some degree, also. Especially when a model is running late, looks like the attendance is going to be low, and you’ve forgotten to charge the battery on your video camera. Stuff like that drives you mad.
But the events are great fun. I can recall some evenings where things have kicked off and been memorable for a long, long time. The first bukkake with Alexxavice and Tyla Moore being a perfect case in point. It’s hard to put into words exactly how that felt to attend. Everyone was so fucking turned on that night. The girls were absolutely amazing and the guys didnt stop grinning from start to finish. When you get an event like that, it makes all the frustrations wash away.
What’s involved with the production process?
Splat Bukkake: It’s actually really simple. Once the models and venue are booked, its just a case of making sure everyone arrives on the night. Once the content is shot, it’s edited so all the guys faces are anonymised and then rendered out in nice crisp 4k. That footage is all then archived off-site in secure storage so it’s nice and safe and we can get back on it as needed. If it gets licensed for broadcast or needs a re-edit for any reason, that sort of thing.
Then the edited bukkake footage gets uploaded to Splatbukkake.xxx and the gangbang footage on our sister site UKPornParty.xxx.
Then we also add some clips later to clip platforms such as manyvids. But thats a good while after it’s been on the main websites – those are the best places to get access to the best quality new footage.
Some guys come more than others, what’s the secret to a big load?
Splat Bukkake: Everyone has their method. There’s two which I think work well, personally.
1) Abstinence. Give your nuts a couple of days to build up.
2) Pineapple juice. Drink that for a couple of days before a shoot and that tends to help make a good load.
Is there a certain amount of times that a guy needs to spurt when he comes to feature in a Bukkake shoot?
Splat Bukkake: No, not at all. We work with amateur guys just out to have a great night of fun. As long as we can get a girl with some cum in her face, we’re happy.
Do some male performers get stage fright being surrounded by so many other guys?
Splat Bukkake: Yes, happens a lot. More normally from younger guys who talk a good talk. They come in all puffed up like they’re the stars of the show, then when it comes to getting their dick out in public, the bravado fades quickly. Its the slightly older guys that have seen a bit of life, that just relax and take it as it comes. Have a great night and go home with a wide, wide grin.
To see more of Splat Bukkake click the links below
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