Tell us a bit about yourself
Hazel Heart: Well I don’t really know how to describe myself I kind of just go with the flow to a lot of things. I love to travel and explore. Oh and I’m a big time adrenaline junkie I really wanna go bungee jumping in New Zealand.
Describe yourself briefly growing up?
Hazel Heart: I was always an outside kid riding my bike, playing with dirt, playing with bugs anything I could get my hands on but always just in my backyard never really anywhere else. My childhood is filled only with fond memories of my family.
What are your stats/measurements?
Hazel Heart: 34B-26-33 height 5”5 weight 110 lbs.
How did you start within the industry?
Hazel Heart: I was on sexy jobs when I got recruited I made sure everything was legit and then next thing I know I was in Arizona doing my first shoot it was amazing!
How did you create the name?
Hazel Heart: I thought Hazel was super cute and fit the image of pretty in my head and my agent came up with heart it was so cute.
What do you enjoy most about being a pornstar?
Hazel Heart: Meeting new people definitely. It’s really nice and I know I have met some really nice friends in the industry.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Hazel Heart: Married to my Girlfriend, finished with college, working a 9-5 job in a house that I bought all that standard stuff 😁.
What's your favorite sexual position on & off camera & why
Hazel Heart: On camera missionary because I don’t have to do much work and in personal doggy because it feels good but also missionary because I get to see my partners face.
Which pornstar would you most like to work with?
Hazel Heart: I don’t have a pornstar I would want to work with just yet unfortunately I’m not familiar with everyone in the community.
What would you change about the adult industry?
Hazel Heart: I don’t think I have been in the industry long enough to want to change anything at the moment. I also don’t think I’ve seen all the industry in it’s glory .
Have you ever been grossed out during a shoot?
Hazel Heart: No I have not been. If I’m ever uncomfortable with something I can speak out and it will stop.
Are there any sex acts that you haven’t shot yet but want to?
Hazel Heart: There is but not anytime soon I don’t think I’m ready yet as for what type of scenes I’ll keep that a secret for now.
Has the stigma around the adult industry affected you?
Hazel Heart: Yes there is stigma but it hasn’t affected me yet my family is very open and accept what I do. I can not thank them enough for what they do for me. I have a very good support system around me 😊
What's the weirdest thing that you’ve been asked to do during a shoot?
Hazel Heart: Sucking my own toes 😂 don’t get it wrong I like feet I think they are super pretty but sucking my own toes I don’t know about that. I don’t think I’d be doing it again😁
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into the industry?
Hazel Heart: The industry is very mentally taxing but if you can get over that or have someone to help you through it it’s definitely a good opportunity. I got to travel, meet a lot of nice people and I got to do it with my girlfriend so if you think it’s for you I would try it but think it over very hard and long because of course whatever you put on the internet stay there forever.
If you directed a scene what would it be about and who would feature?
Hazel Heart: I’m not sure I’ve never thought of it with details before sorry I couldn’t answer that one well.
What hobbies & interests do you have outside of the adult industry?
Hazel Heart: I really like traveling anywhere I can and with that comes at least one outdoor sport hobby which for me is snowboarding I’m a beginner but it’s really fun. I live 2 hours away from Zion so when I can go I do. Oh and then there is anime and cosplay but I’m not a super geek like I used to be for it. Finally BTS is another interest so if you ever want to get me something I love them 😁.
Do you use sex toys? If so which ones?
Hazel Heart: Yes I do use toys😁 Mostly dildos and vibrators but we have more and it’s whatever peaks our interest.
To date which porn scene are you most proud of & why?
Hazel Heart: It hasn’t come out yet but it’s a scene of only Remi and I. I absolutely loved the scene because it captured us really well and we didn’t have to worry about the cameras or anything just be normal so it was really nice. As for a scene that has come out I would probably say my cum4k one and it’s because I felt I performed my scene well.
Do you watch porn? If so what type?
Hazel Heart: I do not watch porn anymore just because I don’t have the need to masturbate anymore but when I did watch porn I would go onto the homepage and find anything that caught my attention.
If you were interviewing a pornstar what would you ask them? & answer this question
Hazel Heart: I would try to ask them something that’s unique to them so I guess what I would ask is do you play some one else or is your personality close to what you portray to fans. I am what I show to my fans to answer that question😁.
What really turns you on?
Hazel Heart: Someone who can dominate me if you are a little rough with me that turns me on but if you also know how to treat me like a princess it’s over I’m putty after that.
Who would you like to nominate to answer these questions within the industry?
Hazel Heart: I don’t have anyone in particular sorry I nominate anyone who want to do them 😁.
Quick fire round
My Favorite Pornstar: Weed or alcohol?
Both but not a lot of either. I’m always better company if I drink though so if I had to choose one alcohol but I’m a baby and it takes me forever to finish a drink😋.
My Favorite Pornstar: Weed in bong or joint?
Joint I’ve never really hit a bong I think it was once and I ended inhaling water so yeah.
My Favorite Pornstar: Wine or vodka?
Vodka it’s easy to mix stuff with.
My Favorite Pornstar: Tattoo or piercing?
Neither I don’t like needles or any of that I have one tattoo and that’s the only one I’ll have.
My Favorite Pornstar: Fuck a fan or masturbate?
Well I’m in a serious relationship so I wouldn’t fuck a fan sorry so masturbate it is 😁.
My Favorite Pornstar: Masturbate with fingers or dildo?
Fingers if I want a quickie and dildo if I want to feel like I’m getting fucked.
My Favorite Pornstar: Cum or squirt in face what u love?
I’ve never had anyone squirt in my face so cum would be my answer.
My Favorite Pornstar: Lick pussy or suck dick?
In general suck dick but I’d eat my girl out anywhere and anytime.
My Favorite Pornstar: Meat or vegan?
Meat I lived with a family of vegans so definitely meat for me 😂.
My Favorite Pornstar: What’s your favorite food?
Stuffed shells filled with 4 cheese or just Italian food.
Hazel Heart was interviewed by Lior
More of Hazel Heart can be seen by clicking the links below