Tell us a bit about yourself
Alicia Rhodes: I was born in the north of England, I love competitive sport, reading and producing art. My friends are my life line and I live for girls’ nights out and girls’ holidays. I live near London these day’s.
What are your stats/measurements?
Alicia Rhodes: Height 5ft 4 36DD curvy girl
How did you start within the industry?
Alicia Rhodes: My start in the industry was gradual. It started with a treat from my former bosses in a hair salon I worked in. They sent me to a glamour photographer friend of theirs as they knew I was interested in this. Those photos led to Some glamour work but the Opportunities for stronger stuff soon got me curious.
I worked at a little place in holland called Cams at home (a 24hr webcam house) and discovered I love to perform and be watched (apart from in the bathroom where they had cameras too very strange) So I bit the bullet and did my first movie I had the bug and within weeks I was shooting Six days a week. I worked in the UK for 4 years solidly before I ventured over to the states and things just got bigger and wilder from there.
So you’re back! But not making adult movies, tell us about what you’ll be doing?
Alicia Rhodes: I have never really gone away completely and have been shooting private content and doing cam shows at home for years. I recently heard about Only Fans and I was intrigued. I guess Lockdown gave me Plenty of time to think and I realised how much I miss the industry, the people in it and the fans.
I am only just starting my Onlyfans page and I will be shooting lots of exclusive footage mostly solo stuff but I can’t wait until I can shoot with some gorgeous girls too, for now I have no plans to go back to B/G but who knows I may get the bug again. I love only fans so far as I can interact on a personal level with all the fans and love shooting custom vids just for them. I will also be doing Live shows I’m a bit of a show off when it comes to being watched so this is not to be missed.
According to IAFD you started your career in 2002 and have featured in over 300 adult movies, is there one that stands out?
Alicia Rhodes: Oh wow I think I’ve been in many more I shot a scene nearly 5 days a week for 8-10 years so I am pretty sure the count is Much higher. 7 the hard way was a real turning point for me and I think after that the American industry really took me under their wing. I love a challange and that certainly was.
There have been so many great movies I always loved being away on location. I shot a movie in South Africa and this was an amazing trip travelling all across the country to amazing locations.
According to IAFD your last adult movie was in 2018, what have you been doing since then?
Alicia Rhodes: You know being mature starting a family (I am a true Milf now) in all honesty the adult industry has always been in my heart I’ve been working on webcams and shooting private content constantly throughout the last few years.

What has been your most memorable moment within the Adult Industry?
Alicia Rhodes: I think my first Avn show stands out as one of the most memorable, remember back then there was no social media and hardly any internet so you didn’t really understand how far your reach was. Walking the red carpet and having so many fans come to see me was just amazing and I was super proud of all my achievements that day.
You’re one of the UK’s most popular adult performers do you get recognised regularly when you’re out and about, how do your fans react?
Alicia Rhodes: It used to happen alot but I guess people don’t approach you as you get older and dress a little more reserved.
Which performer did you most enjoy working with?
Alicia Rhodes: I’ve had the honour of working with many Prolific performers but if I have to be honest the Brits are my fav I guess it’s the British banter or just the fact I love working with people I have a great Friendship with too so I would say Tony Desergio, Steve Hooper, Lee Henshaw, Marcus London those guys and girls Mckenzie Lee and Isabelle Ice for sure she is so hot and a good friend too. There are so many hot people but my favourite is to work with people who know how to have a good laugh too.
How did you create the name?
Alicia Rhodes: I got Alicia from FHM top 100 sexiest women Alicia Silverstone I honestly don’t remember why I chose Rhodes but I think I made a great choice.
What did you enjoy most about being a pornstar?
Alicia Rhodes: I loved that every day was different, that I met amazing likeminded free-spirited people and the travel that was a huge perk. Oh and number one I got to live out every sexual fantasy I could ever dream of.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Alicia Rhodes: Having a really successful Onlyfans page and hopefully sending some time in La with friends shooting new stuff. I would love to get into production and work behind the scenes to as this was something, I really enjoyed too. Who’s hiring me?

What's your favorite sexual position on & off camera & why
Alicia Rhodes: I love the simple ones Doggy is my all-time fav I think you can really hit my spot that way plus Access to both my holes at the same time.
Are there any sex acts that you haven’t shot yet but want to?
Alicia Rhodes: Gosh I think I covered most bases I do love the idea of some medical fantasy where I’m strapped to a table and have lots of huge instruments of pleasure used on me for the sake of women kind of Course 😊
Which pornstar that you haven’t worked with would you like to?
Alicia Rhodes: Wow there are so many I was looking the other day and I saw some amazing talent Jessa Rhodes because she has my name would be fun I also love to work with Kerian lee as he was just getting into the biz as I was leaving so It would be great to catch up for old times’ sake.
What would you change about the adult industry?
Alicia Rhodes: What would I change I would change that people saw it as an acceptable job and that more people could have the pleasure of working in such an amazing industry.
Has the stigma around the adult industry affected you?
Alicia Rhodes: When I was young, I really didn’t care what people thought about what I was doing. ofcourse back then I didn’t think about the internet and how things would be there forever. The only way it affects me now is trying to keep it away from my kids.
Have you ever been grossed out during a shoot?
Alicia Rhodes: Only when girls have not done an enima properly accidents happen but try your best to be clean,

What's the weirdest thing that you’ve been asked to do during a shoot?
Alicia Rhodes: I had to hit a guy fully punch him in the face, I found that really hard I mean I was there to make Love not war. He seemed to like it though so fairs fair. Also public nudity was always a bit strange too.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into the industry?
Alicia Rhodes: Make sure you are professional don’t show up on set hungover from the night before and late if you want to make it respect the people behind the scenes too it’s a huge business and everyone is fighting for the top spot but producers won’t work with you if your Flakey and Tardy.
What hobbies & interests do you have outside of the adult industry?
Alicia Rhodes: I love playing competitive sport ( girls in short skirts maybe?) I love drawing and reading too but socialising with my girlfriends is number 1.
Do you use sex toys? If so which ones?
Alicia Rhodes: I have a huge collection I can’t help myself, I love any kind of rampant rabbit but the bigger and ribbed the better. I love a good butt plug too.
Do you watch porn? If so what type?
Alicia Rhodes: Not really i have enough images in my own head to get off on. Every now and then I check put who’s new and hot.
If you were interviewing a pornstar what would you ask them? & answer this question
Alicia Rhodes: If you could do a scene with me what would be doing, with who else and where?

What really turns you on?
Alicia Rhodes: Two guys I love a good Dp and having both my holes filled also I feel spoilt with all that attention who wouldn’t it is fucking hot.
What’s been the hardest decision that you’ve had to make within the Adult Industry and why?
Alicia Rhodes: To retire this was the hardest decision as I loved being in the industry soooooo much but I really wanted children and to spend time with them as they grew up and you can’t do that if you’re off travelling the world.
Who would you like to nominate to answer these questions within the industry?
Alicia Rhodes: Mckenzie Lee and Kerien Lee
More of Alicia Rhodes can be seen by clicking the links below